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had great fun making so much noise. a star. really love the art style/aesthetic!!

Great proof of concept! The art style is sick, the idea is fun and the music is on point.

I didn't have the trouble others were having with keeping the rhythm, I actually would have liked more complexity in that element, but I am a drummer, so that might be a factor. The player sax was a little bit overpowering the track to play along with, though.

 Awesome work :)


I love it! My highest combo was 50, though I'm not saxy enough to know what a downbeat is. Could use a visual aide, like how DDR arrows flash to the beat you're stepping to. I played the browser version with a keyboard. I hope you continue it!!! These characters are adorable. I'm rootin' for this rat to be tootin' around my Steam library.

I think the art is awesome. Good job


it's funny calling this a rhythm game when it's more of a lack-of-rhythm game

Fun game, It was a bit difficult to understand the controls off at first until I read the description and whipped out the xbox controller. Unfortunately It froze when I got to the giraffe. Interesting concept. The art is nice! good luck on the jam ^_^

Fun game. Love the art style and music. Really well done! Took a bit to get the pattern, but eventually got it. High score 223. Cool concept. Did y'all build the rhythm aspect your selves? Would be interested in seeing how that works!

Interesting idea, first impression I like the design. I think I understand the difficulty others are having with maintaining the combo. The crowd sounding louder than the music would throw me off. What I found help me is to listen to the snare drum. Also hitting the same key...

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I think this would be easier if the song had a more noticeable distinct beat? This is a wonderful but very complex song so hitting it on beat is fairly difficult especially while trying to control a character and look at the beautiful art.


everyone the rhythm is on the off-beat, not on the down beat!

I love the idea and the art style, I agree with the others, its really hard to understand how the combo system works, it seems to follow its own set of rules and there's no clear instruction

The art style is lovely!

I can't figure out how to play. It needs instructions!

Love the art style! 

But I'm to bad at rythm to procceed :(  easy mode would be cool

(1 edit)

Seconding the opinions that it feels impossible to figure the rhythm out. Very cute art on the other hand.

But perhaps it's not in the spirit of jazz to be so adherent to a strict rhythm? Or maybe I am just bad at jazz.

oh and the soundtrack is a jam

good but so hard

Really good art! But it's broken, playing in the correct rythm  doesn't work, you actually have to find a different pace from the music to start making combo. It made it totally unplayable for me at least on the browser version.

Love the art style! 

Loved the concept.